
Nurturing Every Resident’s Needs

Well-being stems from living a fulfilling and meaningful life. What that means in practice is unique to each individual. It’s why at Avery, we take the time to engage in Life Story work with each resident, learning about their interests and routines to create opportunities for positive engagement every single day.

With a wealth of activities that support the physical, social and psychological well-being of our residents, there really is something for everyone irrespective of their age, health or background. It’s something we pay close attention to by regularly talking to our residents about what they’re passionate about, what they’d enjoy doing more of and how we can help them achieve their goals.

Activities aren’t limited to scheduled events. We understand that a true sense of purpose comes from daily living, be it through spontaneous activities, our ‘Avery in Bloom‘ competition or getting involved in daily tasks around the care home — we’ve even had residents who enjoy assisting at reception.

The Power of Reminiscence

Life Stories is our commitment to explore in more detail the lives and memories of our residents. Reminiscence is an important part of our daily activities and so we have set about trying to capture, through interview, some of our residents stories.

We have quickly learnt that everyone has a story to tell and that both the storyteller and the audience have much to gain from the experience.

The past is not another country nor gone. It’s in our homes right now waiting to be heard. We’re giving it a voice.
